Donate to AWB Nigeria

AWB-Nigeria is engaged in a variety of activities to use astronomy and STEM to inspire learning and to motivate kids who live under difficult conditions. AWB takes Astronomy and STEM to the underprivileged kids in different rural communities, these are kids who wouldn’t have had access to Astronomy and STEM by virtue of their background and socio-economic background of the parents.

Example is the project being done with kids from the Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) camps across Nigeria. Kids who have been affected by the insurgency ravaging parts of the North Eastern Nigeria. Also, part of AWB Nigeria’s focus has been on the female child. Trying to bridge the gender gap that currently exists in STEM education among the young people in Nigeria. By getting the female children exposed to STEM and Astronomy in order to empower them for a future of STEM careers. More on AWB activities can be found here.


Local and international donations can be received via check, bank transfer, or online via credit card. Our account details are as follows:

Donations from Nigeria:

  1. 2123870483 Naira account United Bank for Africa (UBA)
  2. 2123870665 US Dollar United Bank for Africa (UBA)
  3. 2123870823 EURO account United Bank for Africa (UBA)

International Donations:

Donations can be received via check, bank transfer, or online via credit card. Donations may also be made via stocks/bonds or bequest via a person’s will or living trust. For more information on how to make a donation, please contact Tim Spuck at AUI at or 202-462-5285 or Olayinka Fagbemiro at AWB Nigeria at